Axios was launched in 2017, by former Politico journalists. Its main topics are politics, business, economics and technologies. Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen and Roy Schwartz created it with the belief that “The world needed smarter, more efficient coverage of the topics shaping the fast-changing world.” The name of this media means “worthy of” in Greek. That is their mission and their principal objective, to be worthy of your time and your trust. For that they say to put their audience first, all the time.

Axios CEO Jim VandeHei, President Roy Schwartz, and Executive Editor Mike Allen. Photograph by Dan Swartz.
They created their Axios Bill of Rights and promised their readers to fulfill the ten promises contained therein. It is based in two principles:
Credibility: All stories are published by real people with real identities. They take full responsibility for all their contents on public platforms. Their report is objective, for that they abstain from creating an opinion section. Their editorial guiding beliefs advocate for fact-checking.
Respect for their audience: They are transparent about how they get their money, what content is sponsored, and what they do with personal data. They are willing to “sacrifice scale for quality”, meaning they will save time to their readers by delivering their content in a brief and efficient way. They explain why their content should matter to their audience in each piece, this way it is the reader the one who decides how deep they want to dive into the information.
In their guiding principles they say directly that media is a business, not a hobby. Because of that they follow the belief that they must deliver a very high level on the promises they make to their consumers.
The editorial ethics policy of the site explains clearly how they respect their sources, always maintaining their professionalism. They promise to never falsify part of their news and provide the proper attributions to the sources. When a story involves their investors or business partners they assure to disclose their relationship in the article or at the bottom. If there is a conflict of interest between a journalist and their topic, they must tell it to their editor in chief and standards editor, if it is unavoidable it will be disclosed at the bottom of the story as well.
This article tried to follow Axios motto "Smart brevity", if you wwant to know more about Axios explore our articles or visit their web.