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Who Am I ? by Sara Sánchez Suárez.

Foto del escritor: TeenformationTeenformation

Actualizado: 27 feb 2022

Read more about Sara's role in this project and discover her position regarding the conveyance of traditional journalism to digital platforms. Continue reading...

Welcome to Teenformation. My full name is Sara Sánchez and I am the director of this project. I am in charge of organizing the team and being sure everything is working according to the plan. I study Journalism in University Carlos III of Madrid and although I am more interested in printed press I do not discard radio as a future career. I also find social problems and small communities interesting, so working in local news would be a good starting point.

I am tired of hearing that new technologies are killing journalism. Belonging to Gen Z, I have grown up in a world in which the internet was a core part of my life. My education and the way I interact with other people have been conditioned by the internet and I do not think that this is bad. Online journalism makes media more accessible for everybody with a device connected to the internet, and more accessibility means there are more informed people who know what is happening not just in their community but all around the world.

The most important factor of online journalism is immediacy, we need to inform in a reliable but rapid way.

I can say that I have been raised by social media, those places in which information appears as fast as it disappears. This website will have its own accounts in Instagram, TikTok and Twitter, and we will try to take advantage of the opportunities those platforms offer us to reach more readers.

Nowadays the strongest argument against digital journalism is fake news, due to the immediacy said above they spread easily. And so, the generation of journalists getting formed are deeply concerned about them. The only way to fight against misinformation is with professionals prepared to use online media in their favour. They have to work as fast as fake news appear. One of the objectives of this project is to help those preparing to work in digital media to recognise and refute false information.

Teenformation is the platform we will use, as journalism students, to explain how the online world is not killing journalism but transforming it.



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