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Daily News Diet - Sara Sánchez Suárez.

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There are people who get informed when they wake up, before going to bed or while eating lunch and dinner. But nowadays we can keep ourselves informed all the time. Everything we need fits in our pockets. These are Sara’s suggestions on media outlets. Continue reading...

What are my preferred media? That is a difficult question. Although right now you can access almost every media for free via the internet,

it is useful to have a reference media to avoid being dragged by the huge amount of information flowing through the web.

These are the media outlets that I consult on a daily basis or as a starting point when a new topic appears.

I read The Guardian for international news. Right now, it is my main source of information about the Ukraine and Russia conflict. The first thing you see when opening their homepage are explanatory articles about it. It is quite useful when you want to follow a live event too, such as an election. I like this paper because, although it has a left editorial line you can see they try to be as independent and unbiased as possible. is my favorite when I want to know about national and international news from a Spanish point of view. This digital newspaper has a national page and regional pages for the different autonomous regions of Spain. They defend that the internet makes journalists technologically independent, so they do not plan on making a physical copy of their national or local editions. They also have a podcast called “Un Tema Al Día”, in which they explain current issues in ten minutes.

I read La Nueva Alcarria almost every day for local news regarding my home city. I firmly believe that local journalism is just as important as international journalism. For small communities it is not only important but also necessary. You may not be interested in the damage caused by a fire in a building in a town you have never heard of, but their neighbors are. For them it is one of the most important news stories of the week, and the local press is the one that will tell them about it. La Nueva Alcarria is one of the local media of Guadalajara, and it informs about what happens not just in the city but in all the province.

Although we all have our own media outlets of reference thanks to the accessibility of digital media, you don't have to choose which newspaper to spend your money on today and leave the rest in the kiosk. You can simply access news from hundreds of media outlets with a single click. You can subscribe to their newsletters or follow those media on Twitter and get notified every time they post something new. You can find interviews on YouTube or even Instagram. You don't have to be satisfied with the news, you can complete them with thousands of resources, you can contrast them and get many different visions of a single fact. This is the information era and we should make the most of it.



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