It ain’t difficult keeping up with the news! Check out how Pati does, from regional to an international media. Continue reading...
I must confess, reading online outlets hasn’t been on my day-to-day routine for long. I used to keep up with the news through the daily mid-day TV news program and maybe sometimes listening to a radio podcast, perhaps for the fact of considering I had no time for more. However, the phone is a tool we carry all through the day in our bags; so of course, I had the time. Despite not having a schedule or fixed hours for reading news, I have on my phone the online apps for the outlets I read the most. This way I can get a global generic approach to all kinds of news and our world’s reality.

Having different outlets is positive not just for the obvious fact of looking at the same news from different points of view, but also because the outlets I read are specific for the different news I’d like to search.
When it comes to national news, I research the ABC press. I not only trust the way they professionally expose their news, I’m also keen on the structure of their online press version; as it allows you to organize the different sections you like the most, making it easier and personal for every user.
As I am catalan, I find the necessity of supporting the catalan press, and La Vanguardia press has been my option. Both for regional news I am interested in and for the interesting cultural-society departments it offers.
Moreover, I think it is enriching being aware of what happens outside national doors, for that I follow CNN news. An online outlet that offers news in a modern, enjoyable way, which makes news that may happen far away, understandable, and close.