Our co-news editor Pati shares background on how she started studying in Madrid and on which things she values the most in journalism. Conitnue reading...
Hello! My name is Patricia Francesch, but I bother on confirming my name just as Pati, as I find it more tender and close. Of course, like the rest of the team, I am also a student at Carlos III University of Madrid.
I am originally from Barcelona and the main question you will ask yourself is why am I living in Madrid; well, feeling sorry to disappoint you, I myself haven't got an answer. I have always been an impulsive, wild-spirited, and sometimes even a little reckless person, in favor of following one’s forebodings. And so have I done, my impulsivity brought me here and today I find myself studying and working on what I like the most.
I have to confess, it is not journalism in itself what I most enjoy. l like creativity, talking to people, moving around, investigating… and journalism has all in one.
What I am sure about is that I like media outlets, and as today media is part of everyone’s world, fusing it with journalism is the best way to develop and adapt society to modernity. In the end, online journalism is essential in today's world: people keep in touch basically through media, from home television to social media sources.
As creativity is one of my assets, being news editor in this team is a pleasure to make the project the most enjoyable and pleasant. Stay tuned on our weekly updates on Teenformation and see the development of our team, while enjoying at the same time online journalism news in the most entertaining way.